Sunday, March 28, 2010

Menu planning

Its Sunday, a day or rest for us. Also the day I plan the menu for the coming week. Someone recently asked me to post some of our weekly meals, and I think they assume I cook complicated things all the time. I told them they would be surprised at how simply most of our meals are. Even when they have lots of ingredients, most meals are made within 30 minutes...I rarely have more than that for meal prep. My goals for our eating? Variety, focus on "whole" foods, budget friendly (although I do splurge on good salmon from time to time), and simple to make!

Here's our menu for this coming week....

Sunday: Curried Veg Soup and cornbread
Monday: Cuban beans and rice with mango smoothies
Tuesday: Chicken fajitas (probably with leftover beans and rice)
Wed: Tuna melts
Thursday: Seder meal with community group
Friday: Homemade pizza
Sat: Feta and spinach frittata


  1. Jen, do you do aim for a certain number of meat free meals a week? If so, can you talk about why (budget, health . . . )? Thanks!

  2. Sure Meg! We don't eat a lot of meat around here for two main reasons. 1) Good meat is expensive 2) I was a vegetarian not so long ago and am not great at preparing it. Having said that, Im starting to make it more, although this sample menu was a bit more vegetarian! The meats we mostly eat are chicken and fish. However, a couple of times a month we get beef from a local farmer and I bacon from a local butcher. Here and there we eat apple chicken sausage in a pasta dish. I have opinions about what constitutes "good meat" and I'll give you resources if you're interested! Email
