Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Fresh Guacamole

While Im posting south-of-the-border recipes, I thought I would share my favorite guacamole with you. I've been trying to come up with the perfect recipe for years, but its always a bit off. But last year, after dining at Adobo Grill , I think I've got the one I like. Of course, if you've been to Adobo, you know that I cheated, because they make the guac right in front of you...there are no secrets! AJ made fun of me because I watched the woman like a hawk, and then scratched down a few notes before devouring every bit of it within minutes! So good.

Before I share the recipe, I will add that perfectly ripe avocados are key. You want them soft but not squishy to the touch and the skin should be black rather than green. If you need to ripen them in a hurry (overnight), you can place them in a brown paper bag with an apple or two and close it up tight.

Fresh Guacamole

2 ripe avocados, sliced in half
1 lime, quartered
3 cloves garlic, minced
jalapeno, minced (to taste)
1/2 med. onion, minced
1-1 1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tomato, de-seeded, diced
fresh cilantro, chopped

Remove flesh from each avocado half and place in med bowl. Squeeze juice from each lime quarter into bowl and mash (I do it using a pastry knife actually). Add garlic, jalapeno, onion, and salt. Mash again to mix flavors. Stir in tomato and cilantro. Enjoy!
* use as much or as little jalapeno as you like, depending on how spicy you like it. Remember that including the seeds will make it MUCH spicier and that the spice factor will increase after it sits a few minutes!

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