Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thanksgiving Traditions

Im wondering what yours are?
The Rader house is about to host Thanksgiving this year, and we want some traditions of our own...besides eating a LOT of good food and having everyone say what they are thankful for:)
How do you spend the time with your family? What are your favorite food traditions?
Does one person cook, or do you have a pitch-in (as they say here in Indy). We call it a pot-luck in Michigan.

I've got the menu almost planned, but Im still debating on how to prepare the Turkey. Im a novice Turkey-preparer. Ive got a few options, but the one rising to the top is an Orange Rosemary basted bird with carrots and leeks. Yum.

Today we (all five of us) stormed Trader Joes and Costco...this was after I sent AJ to the farmer's market for some key ingredients. Shopping the Sat before Thanksgiving is nuts. But it does make me excited for Thursday and wearing my apron all day and having my family fill every corner of the bungalow.

Happy Turkey day preparations! Dont forget to leave a tradition in the comments if you have a fun one to share!


  1. Hey Jen!! Thought I'd add a tradition we just started this year. I traced each boys hand on a sheet of paper and they colored in their hand-turkeys then on the back of the paper I wrote out what they're thankful for. I figured each year we will be able to see how their hands have grown, how their coloring styles have changed and it is a good way to keep track of what they're thankful for!
    Love the new blog, I'm always looking for good recipes, I can't wait to make the granola!

  2. Nothing says Thanksgiving to me like corn pudding! Certainly not good for you, but it sure is tasty:

    1/2 stick butter, melted
    2 eggs, beaten
    8 oz. sour cream
    1 can creamed corn
    1 can corn, drained
    1 small box Jiffy corn muffin mix
    Salt and pepper to taste

    Mix all ingredients together. Bake in greased 9 x 13 (or quart casserole) dish at 350 for 45-60 min.

  3. Apple cider brined turkey from -delicious!!!!
    I would say our family traditions were that the table was never too small for more guests... So whoever needed company was welcome...
    We would play games and talk after the meal and of course continue snacking all day long...good times.

    And I am thankful for my friend Jen, who invited me out fir icecream my first week at msu. You made me feel so welcome and more confident in that new world of college. I love you! So glad we are friends!!!

  4. For many years we would spend Thanksgiving with our "aunt and uncle" (really just good friends) from Chicago. My favorite dish was the cranberry fluff that aunt Lynn made. We don't see them as often anymore, but cranberry fluff seems to make it to every holiday dinner.

    3 cups fresh cranberries
    2 cups sugar (artificial stuff has been substituted without detection)
    2 cups drained crushed pineapple
    1 medium orange
    1 small package of mini marshmallows

    grind fruit in a blender. Mix with sugar and marshmallows, let stand in the fridge overnight.

    1 pint whipping cream

    The next day, whip the cream and fold in the cranberry mixture. Also, not good for you, but oh so yummy. (and pink!)
